The makers of The Raja Saab starring Prabhas have unveiled a festive new poster. It was just in time to wish audiences a joyous Sankranthi and Pongal. The vibrant poster, showcasing Prabhas in an uber-cool yet Vintage festive avatar, radiates a delightful, celebratory vibe, offering a sneak peek into the film’s unique horror-comedy world. His striking look, paired with a charming, vintage style, has piqued curiosity, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the movie’s release. Though the fresh release date is yet to be revealed, the makers assure it will be announced soon.
The Raja Saab makers unveil new poster of the Prabhas starrer
This film, directed by Maruthi, is poised to deliver an exciting blend of eerie thrills and laughter. Prabhas steps into the role of a man drawn back to his ancestral property, only to discover a vengeful spirit lurking in the shadows.
The actor shared a new look from the movie and wrote in the caption, “Wishing you all joy and happiness this festive season…See you soon with#TheRajaSaab” Prabhas also wished his fans ‘Happy Pongal’ on the poster. “See you soon,” very openly suggests that the movie will be released soon and maybe the actor is hinting that the postponement rumours are false.
After the monumental success of Kalki: 2898 AD, Prabhas takes a bold step away. It is away from his larger-than-life, intense roles, embracing a mischievous, spectral persona that will surely stun audiences. His vintage avatar, reminiscent of the Prabhas fans adored in his earlier days. This adds an extra layer of charm and excitement.
About The Raja Saab
The Raja Saab is directed by the renowned Maruthi. He is a pioneer in the horror-comedy genre in Telugu cinema. The film has been produced by Viswa Prasad under the People Media Factory banner. With music by Thaman S, the film will be released across five languages: Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam.